Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today I got a letter.
From Sarah.
To me.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is Lita:
I know her from the LIVEJOURANL (teehee) community I am in called 2_lines. Basically, you get two lines/sentences to say what you need to say, and two posts a day to get it done. Somehow, we manage to communicate very effectively, and are all rather close in this community. She goes to UW-Milwaukee, and we decided to meet for lunch today. It was quite fantastic.
I am _sheep_ on livejournal by the way. She said she made the sign in case it was crowded, and then could act like we were meeting at an airport.

Friday, February 26, 2010

attactive right?

James told me to take a picture of myself brushing my teeth, and he would give me 5 cents the next time he saw me. So I did, and will put that nickle towards my college fund.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I won't lie. As bad as my knees hurt and as tight as my IT bands are I am getting freaking EXCITED about the Provo River Half Marathon in August. This may be, in part, because I haven't run in almost two weeks, and I am not letting myself run again until I am home for Spring Break in hopes that my knees will stop being angry at me.

Having said that, tonight I went to a presentation given by Dr. Smith (one of our school physicians) about how she is into Ultramarathons. An ultramarathon is any race more than regular marathon distance of 26.2 miles, they are usually 50, 62, 100, or 135 miles. Dr. Smith explained how she got bored of running regular marathons, and decided to to ultras. The specific race she talked about tonight was a 135 miler through DEATH VALLEY. In Death Valley, the day time temperature is around 120* F, soda condenses to syrup in 11 minutes, and your sweat evaporates so fast you never feel it on your body.

Now, believe me, I understand runner's high. I understand the feeling of being invisible and strong. The feeling that sets in during the middle of your run where you are just cruising, where it seems as if you are moving effortlessly. I understand pushing your body to its limits, realizing that these limits are only mental, and pushing yourself even further.
But Death Valley seems a bit much really.

* From Ultramarathon Man. Great book.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today everyone was freaking out because the snow was "giant flakes! They are all light and swirling all over the place!" I of course, just rolled my eyes because THAT IS HOW SNOW IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK. We got more snow in 3 hours today than we did two weeks ago when it snowed for over 48 hours straight.
Unfortunately, it would seem that no one in Milwaukee has ever heard of a snow plow.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

nom nom nom

My momma sent me Pop-tarts.

I am going to eat them (But not all at once.)

And I am NOT going to feel bad or stress about the calories damnit! *bangs fist*

Monday, February 22, 2010

I miss volleyball. By the time I was finished with sitting on the bench my whole senior season, I had a very "Well fuck this then" attitude towards the whole sport.
But I haven't played for two years.
And I see the club team practicing every Monday when I go to the gym.
And it makes me miss it so much.

I think I'm going to try and start an AT intramural team next fall.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Whenever I talk about going to the Men's Basketball games to be the ATS for cheer/dance, this is where I get to sit.
They pay me to have great seats. It's awesome.

You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


One of the cool things about the library. Tables with plugs in them! That way, you don't have to worry about stretching your computer cord across the floor for someone to trip on and break.

We were having a sophmore/junior AT student party last night, but no one actually told me where it was. Just when I was going to text Carrie and ask, I got one of those SURPRISE! STOMACHACHE!'s where all you want to do is curl up in a ball in bed. I know I get sick when I don't sleep enough, so I took this as a way of my body telling me to "Sleep woman!" So I went to bed at 11:30pm and didn't have to get up today until 10:00am.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Go Marquette

Mara in the Fanatics (I got to the Bradley Center three hours before game time so I could be first in line and get great seats) section of the Student Section at the Marquette vs. Pittsburgh game.
We lost.

But I made a new friend at dinner thanks to the fact that there was no where to sit and he asked if I minded if he shared my table.

Mara took pictures of me being all professional and being the Athletic Training Student working with the Cheer/Dance team. Pictures of me being spiffy as soon as I get them from her.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

It is very strange to be able to get ashes on your forehead and have people outside of school NOT look at you and say "Ummm... did you know there's like, dirt on your forehead."

This is not me by the way, it's my roommate. Unfortunately, all the services today were inconveniently while I was in class. I may not be a very good or regularly church going catholic, but there are somethings, such as: Ash Wednesday, not eating meat on Fridays for the next 40 days, going to church on Christmas, and giving up something (dessert!) for Lent that are never going to be stamped out of me.
I will say though, this is the first year I've tried fasting (one regular meal and two half meals) for Ash Wednesday. The Guidelines To Lent suggest kids start fasting at 14, when they are old enough to understand what they are doing. However, for 4 years of high school I was gearing up and starting to condition for the upcoming Track and Field season, and as Coach AJ would say, "Sprinters do NOT fast. I WILL NOT have you passing out on me because you decided not to eat lunch." Last year I wasn't running, but I was still in my Revolt From Oppressive Catholic High School stage and could care less about Church observances.
Now that I've gotten over myself and had one or two realizations (while running... there's lots of time to think over the course of 7 miles) I'm back to being proud of my Catholicism. And while I'll probably never go to Church every Sunday again, I am going to be eating celery and carrots for dinner.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


To me, this is a classroom. There are only 12 of us, and we sit on treatment tables and stools instead of in desks.

We are a very small group of people who have less free time than we did in high school, and will have more free time after we graduate. I haven't had a day where I don't have either class or practice or a game (or all three) in over a week. One of these days I will get a real weekend, and it will be fantastic to lay around in bed all day. By the time that comes, I will be lazing about with Droo, and that makes it even more to look forward to.

Monday, February 15, 2010


This is Mara and Kevin.

They are in love.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Good day!

I got back from the tennis match today and was checking in at the front desk when the DR was all "Oh wait, you're the one," and hands me a giant bouquet of SURPRISE! ROSES!
I've been awfully smiley since then. :D

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today was one of those days where I spent all day with basketball. It started at 9am setting up for the Women's game at two, and I finished up with the Men's game at 10:30pm.

But Westley Matthews was at the Men's game to say hi or something, so that was really cool.

Friday, February 12, 2010

here comes the sun...

It's only 3pm in this picture, so why is the sun all the way over there? I miss the radiating heat and the dry hot air and the warmth.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

After meeting Tank, I really really REALLY want a Great Dane when I become a real adult. I think the Harlequins look the best, but I think any color except brindle would do (that reminds me too much of a boxer.)

And they come like this:
I mean, how can you NOT want one? *cue baby talk about how adorable the puppy is*
I'm serious about the puppy-talk. That is definitely what I am saying in my head.

Also, I miss Droopy and his handsome cow face even though he stinks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

let down

After over 24 hours of constant snow, and being promised 10-12 inches for two days, we end up with... four. I am disappointed Milwaukee. For as much of a show you put on all day yesterday, this is a pretty weak final product.
On the bright side, it's not even close to being as cold as it was last year. (So I guess I'm looking on the warm side?) Last year at this time we would celebrate if the STANDING temperature got above 0* F, but this year it is a balmy low 20's. Unless some tragity happens in the next two weeks I really don't think it will ever get oh-god-I-dread-going-outside-it-hurts-it-hurts-it-hurts! kind of cold. We had a "warm" snap last year in the middle of February (it went from being -38 with the wind to being low 30's. And while that's still below freezing, 60 degrees is a lot) and then it started warming up for real once we got past Spring Break.
Spring Break is only 30 days away! Which means I'm home in a month!

Also, according to my Strength and Conditioning lab instructors, I have crazy strong hamstrings. I demonstrated an exercise called the Russian Curl - you kneel and have someone hold your ankles down, then slowly lean forward without bending at your hips at all. You also have someone to catch your shoulders once you get past about 10* of movement, cause you are going to fall flat on your face. After we go through all the exercises we are learning that day, the class has about 15 minutes to go over any of them. No one in my class could hold themselves as stiff or go to the same angle I did. So I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now.

Also again, you can't learn with your clothes on. That is a direct quote from one of the physical therapists who helps run my kinesiology lab.

There is no day during the week where I can wear jeans all day. The only time this happens is if the girl's basketball team is away on either Saturday or Sunday. This is why I put on jeans when I say I'll be dressing up.

Lately I feel like I can't expand my lungs all the way and get a full breath unless I really forcefully inhale and focus on the muscles in my chest pulling my ribs up and away. It's irritating. And slightly panic inducing when it happens while I'm running.

I'm STILL not drinking enough water.

I know I'm two months late on this, but my New Year's Resolution is to take 10 minutes everyday and stretch. I'd also really like to learn how to not let things bother me that are not my problem, I have no control over, or don't fucking matter in the first place.

I'm in a great mood. :)
I think it's because I'm so tired I think I might die, but I'm past that cognitive stage, and into the one where everything is goddamn hilarious.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, it's still snowing. Tiny little flakes that seem to blow right at your eyes and down the little opening between your sweatshirt and the dip at the base of your neck. Hats don't do much for it, other than keep the snow off our hair and from dripping down your forehead, but scarfs are dead useful in weather like this.
It's been snowing since yesterday morning, and is supposed to continue until tomorrow morning. It's a very very slow, sneaky sort of build up. But the weather is not as bipolar in Milwaukee as it is in Salt Lake, thanks to our proximity to Lake Michigan. When the weather decides to do something, whether it be snow or rain or clouds, it will be like that for DAYS.

Also, my rainboots have another hole in them somewhere. My left sock is wet, and I am pissed about it. I have snow boots I will wear for the rest of the day, but they are just not as cool looking.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy monday

I'm on my way to work at 6:25am and it is snowing. It wasn't actually this dark outside, it was really more gray than black.

Driving home from Wausau yesterday I realized that the whole state of Wisconsin is just as sad as Milwaukee is. It may look nice in the summer, because there are lots of trees and farms; but right now everything is dead and gray. I think if I actually had to live here, like as a real life adult I would become clinically depressed. I had thought maybe seeing the parts of the state that are not campus or downtown Milwaukee would change my opinions of this place, but it's just as bad everywhere.
Winter in Utah is beautiful compared to this. Oh, wait, winter in Utah is beautiful no matter what. I miss mountains.

Also, people should stop asking me what I'm doing with Drew for Valentine's Day. My plans include calling him after work and saying "Sorry I'm so far away." This will be our third together, we have yet to spend it with each other, and we won't be spending it together for another 4 years.
Talk about delayed gratification.
But love is all you need.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I think Amy Brown is a fantastic artist, and I have loved her work ever since I discovered it at age.. I dunno... 13 maybe. When I went through my I-love-wings phase I found her drawings fit what I wanted for myself, as well as when I went through my I-wish-I-was-a-magic-creature phase. Now I am content being a human being (most of the the time :P) but every now and again I grow awfully tired of wearing khakis and a Marquette t-shirt all the time. If I could look like an Amy Brown Fairy, I would. Every day. She's drawn enough that by the time I would have to repeat a dress, I would have had my fill of dressing up.

These pictures are the reason I secretly like short skirts and socks over my knees.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Road Trip!

My friend Nicole and I left Milwaukee at 11:00am this morning and drove three hours north to Wausau, Wisconsin today. We are volunteering for the Badger Games as medical personal. I told you about this yesterday.
I took a picture about halfway through the drive at the gas station we stopped at. You can see said picture above.

The ice rink I was at today was only half a mile away from the hotel we are staying at for the night, and Nicole dropped me off there before heading to the rink she was stationed at, which is about 15 minutes away. I signed up to work from 3:30pm until 8pm. All the events were over by 4:15pm, so it was very lucky I was so close to our hotel, as I was able to walk back, instead of wait for Nicole to be done at the other rink and come get me.
The orginization at the rink I was at was frustrating, to say the least. Not only did no one know where to send me as first aid/medical, no one knew where their first aid kits had gone. Eventually I was given a box of bandaids. Um, thanks. If any of the participants here need serious medical attention I can't help them at all. I was also not given gloves, so even if someone was bleeding out I wouldn't be able to do anything. I'm sure none of the 8-17 year olds there had AIDS, but it has been ingrained into my head that before you do anything PUT YOUR GODDAMN GLOVES ON.
Tomorrow, I am at the other rink with Nicole. She said she has had a couple knees and ankles she has had to look at for possible tears/fractures. This will make the day much more interesting, if not more stressful. But apparently there is an actual first aid kit there, so that's good.

For now, I'm just enjoying having some time to myself in the hotel room. Which is nicer than my dorm room at school. Lame.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I haven't been sleeping well.

I have weird dreams and wake up a couple times a night.

Today I was tired. So very tired.

The type of tired that makes it feel like you might just die if you don't close your eyes for a moment.
So I took a nap. And I was out like a rock for four hours.

I didn't mean to sleep for four hours. It just kind of happened.

I'm sure it will make falling asleep tonight at a reasonable hour impossible. That should make getting up by 6:00am interesting.

Nicole and I are going to Wausau ("wa-saw") to be volunteer medical staff at the Badger State Games. It is like the junior Olympics or something, but just in Wisconsin.

At least I can sleep in the car. Maybe.

So no post tomorrow. I will tell you about my weekend on Sunday night.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today in Modalities we did a lab on pain. Not only did we test pain threshold (the moment you start feeling pain) but pain tolerance (how long you can withstand pain). The tests included:

1) holding your arm over your head for 30 seconds to drain blood, then putting a blood pressure cuff on your arm to keep any blood from returning. You then had to squeeze this thing that is used to measure hand strength every 4 seconds until you couldn't take it. This one didn't hurt so much as make your arm numb and shockingly white.

2) Hold your hand in 40*F water for a long as you can. I was the sissy of the class, only lasting 40 seconds before pain was radiating up my shoulder.

3) You would put your finger under a weight that concentrated all the force on to a 1/2cm x 1cm area between your 2nd and 3rd knuckle. I have a bruise.

4) Putting a capsiacin (the stuff found in hot chili pepers) gel on your skin to stimulate chemical pain. You can get this stuff over the counter as an actual doctor-recommended relief for pain - the heat distracts you from other pain I guess. This had NO EFFECT for about an hour. Now I have a legitimate BURN on my arm
It kind of hurts. Like a lot. Like really a lot.

5) Using Oralgel to stop the pain signal of salsa at the source. If the signal leading from where ever you feel pain to your brain is disrupted anywhere along the nerve, you don't feel pain. It was good salsa, but I'll have to bring in some of Mr. Owen's salsa for the next year's class if they REALLY want spicy.

Fun Fact: Sugar is a natural pain reliever. The effects are not physically felt by anyone over the age of 8 or 9, because the amount of sugar we have eaten by then has desensitized our bodies from the effects. This is the real reason you get a sucker after getting shots as a child. But we got M&Ms anyway, because that's fun!
Fun Fact: I only like the blue, red, and brown M&Ms. So I gave all my yellows to Mike, the greens to Tim, and the oranges to Lisa. You can also see Nicole's feet in this picture.

Also. Mrs Jillian Mabey suggested putting super glue on my belt buckle. I will be trying this now, hopefully I do not glue my belt to my pants or closed or to me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Belt-Rash,
FUCK. YOU. ok? Don't you understand that you are not welcome on my skin? You are ugly and itchy. I understand you are only hear because I have to wear a belt or my pants fall down, but it is not my fault that I am allergic to all types of sterling silver. You have far over-stayed your welcome and it is time for you to go.
No love,

But on the bright side, I've been working on strengthening my weak quads for a week and my knee is better.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In all reality, I like the snow. I was really looking forward to seeing a storm while I was home for Christmas, and I was disappointed when that never happened. I like the way snow at home comes down in huge fluffy flakes and manages to make the world quiet and small. I like how it makes me want to curl up on the couch with a book or a movie, some hot chocolate or chai tea, and Droo. The air is crisp and clean after it snows, and for some reason it's not as cold.
So I was really excited when I looked outside last night and it was snowing lightly - the combination of the time of night, dim light, and lack of people made this city look almost pretty.

Then I remembered that the snow here is lacking in the beauty department. Instead of quieting things it makes a disgusting plop-plop-plop noise as it hits the grown, and then quickly turns into slush that soaks your pants. The wind doesn't let it fall in swirling patters, but somehow manages to blow it directly into your eyes no matter what direction you face.
And my snow boots give me blisters on my heals. I've been walking around on my toes all morning after I got back from work and had a quarter-sized blister on each foot.

Monday, February 1, 2010

music love

Snow Patrol is the only band who has managed to create music that somehow gets inside of, not only my head, but my whole body and makes my soul want to dance. I want to wrap myself up with the way these songs sound instead of in clothes. I imagine it would feel like silky sheets and eating Dove chocolate and snuggling Drew and running and flying all at the same time. I had the same reaction to the songs "Make This Go On Forever," and "Set the Fire to the Third Bar," years ago when they first came out.