Saturday, December 19, 2009


Rule # whatever: Travel Light.

I think I do that well. That's probably close to half my wardrobe, and a few things I'm leaving at home anyway. Sure, it would have been easier to just pack my suitcase and have room to spare, but I'm trying to jump onto an earlier flight in Minneapolis, so carry-ons it is! I always gate check my duffel anyway. One, people with carry-ons that don't fit in the over head bin bother me, especially when they just leave them there, sticking halfway out and then THE PLANE CANNOT TAKE OFF, seriously, I hate those people) Two, then I don't have to baby sit it getting on and off the plane. And three, I am usually one of the last people to board, because my dad gets the cheapest tickets he can find for us (you would too if you had two kids who both needed to fly somewhere 8 times a year) so there's usually no room for it anyway.

On second, third, fourth, fifth, I don't know how many times I've repacked, I'm not going to bring the bear. I'll just have Drew spray his cloths with his cologne while I'm home.

It is snowing very very lightly right now. If that messes up my travel plans along the way I might cry.

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