Monday, October 5, 2009

second thoughts

It's only 4:30pm on Monday and I can already tell that this week is going to be one of those weeks. The kind where my predominant thought is "WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE!?"
Lately every time I walk into the training room I think about how I don't seem to belong and would be in almost any other major. Luckily, I know the reasoning behind this: I do not want to work in a college setting. I want to work Physical Therapy in a Children's Hospital, and then work Athletic Training in a High School. Unfortunately, the only training room exposure I have right now is at Marquette, and it's just not what I want to do.
Oh hey, I just thought about how I get to work in a high school for my clinical senior year and now I feel good and I'm all EXCITED. Good, I feel better.

Frozen gummies are my guilty pleasure. Whether it be bears, worms, peach-O's, or fruit snacks I hide them in the freezer until they get all hard and chewy. Just for the record, SpongeBob is not as good as Princess flavor

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