Thursday, October 15, 2009


My very favorite spot on campus is the Memorial Library, which is the old part with all the books, not the new part with the computers and printers and info desk. Today was the first time all semester I went into the book stacks, rather than the lobby to just print something. There is just something about the pressing quiet that I love, like I could sit in there ALL DAY LONG, forget about everything, and just read. I think I need to just pack up my desk and hang out there more often.

I especially like the Children's Section on the 3rd floor. It reminds me of my own childhood, for my parents were very enthusiastic about getting my brother and I all the books we wanted and reading to us every night. I got in trouble a lot for reading when I was supposed to be sleeping, but I don't think my parents really minded all that much.
Then I saw this just sitting there, which was kind of funny, because my roommate and I were talking yesterday about all the books we read as kids, and I mentioned this one.

It kind of makes me want a kid, so I can read to her.

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