Monday, October 12, 2009

Hey Jude...

Almost the exact middle of campus. You can see a bit of the library in the left corner, and the top of St. Joan of Arc Chapel in the right corner.
Interesting fact about the Chapel: It was brought over, brick by brick, from France and ended up the in the ownership of a Protestant family. They had no use for a catholic church, so they gave it to Marquette. It is the oldest building in the Western Hemisphere that is still used for it's original purpose.

And this tree is is pretty.

Oh yeah, and the dental students set the Health Sciences building on fire today. It wasn't a big fire, and only in one spot in one room in the basement, so my stuff on the second floor was safe. Unfortunately, MY STUFF ON THE SECOND FLOOR, which included my keys, ID, and phone, was stuck there. But so was everyone else's so my class (all 13 of us) went to the Union and talked to Mike (who's the VP of the Athletic Training Student Association) about the clothing sale we're having this week. Whatever I get is going to be the majority of my Christmas present this year, so I got myself a couple of nice Marquette University ATHLETIC TRAINING shirts and a windbreaker, which will be very handy.

I've started watching The Office. Micheal and Dwight really irritate me, but I like everyone else. And Jim and Pam are kind of adorable. Way to be Netflix for having all the seasons avaliable to steam instantly.

AND!! My mom is putting a package together to send me sometime this week!!

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