Friday, October 2, 2009


My hair is getting all sorts of long! I can't wait until it's long enough for me to completely cut off the bottom where I bleached it and dyed it (and dyed it again) last year, it's so dried out and gross. I am going to have to wait to do that for awhile though, for I am greatly enjoying the fact that I can get all of my hair into a pony tail with the assistance of only 2 bobby pins, not 12. It hasn't been this long since I was a sophomore in high school! I'm starting to really like it long, too bad it takes forever to grow.
Also, if I pull the bottom 90% back into a pony tail and leave the top layer out to straighten it, I look like Posh Spice, NOT Hermione Granger. So HA!

I wish I wasn't such a jealous person.

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit, it is amazing how long your hair is. And for the record, I am very jealous of your ability to straighten it in what I assume is 10 minutes or less.
