Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is Halloween

Everybody make a scene.

Trick or treat till the neighbor's gonna die of fright.

It's our town, everybody scream.
In our town of Halloween.

No picture today.

Tonight they played Harry Potter 6 at the Varsity Theater. It was pretty awesome.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Typical day.
Typical walk to class.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Safe travels where ever you may go.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

here's the mail, it never fails..

I really like the color combination on this tree.
Even though it looked better in real life.

I got a package from my parents yesterday.
They sent me some goggles.
So today is Day One of teaching myself to swim.
Hopefully I don't die.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Leaves on the grass.

I need to drink more water.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

All links to embed this < v="GOO4So0wv1Y"> video have been disabled, but you should go watch it anyway. It's the feeling I have hanging out in the back of my mind at all times while I'm in Milwaukee.

I remember the time from the start of school until thanksgiving being hard. I remember the two months I didn't see Droo last year were hard, I'm not going to pretend I'm surprised by how much I miss him.
I kind of thought I would know what to expect though. I've done this once before already. It's past the half-way point of when I went home for the concert and when I'm home again.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rule one: Cardio

Zombieland has made me realize I need a plan in case of an outbreak.

I now have a plan.
Also, check on cardio. Lets see how those zombie fuckers feel after 8 miles.

This is what I've been doing when bored. My wall is no longer ugly or plain.
But the roses I did not draw myself. Or draw at all.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why is it so freaking wet here? It's been raining for the past three days.
Past three days straight.
Constant fucking rain.
Constant wetness.
To top that off, my left rain boot has a tear in the back by the heal. I covered it in duct tape, so hopefully that holds out.

I've been drawing pictures to put up on my kitchen wall, which as you saw yesterday, is very boring. This is my favorite so far.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


This is a blank wall.
My kitchen wall to be exact.
Stay tuned to find out what I did to make it much less boring!

It was raining as I left practice tonight. I thought all the things on the ground were blades of grass and leaf stems. Then I saw one of them move, and realized the sidewalk was covered in very very skinny worms trying not to drown. I felt bad for stepping on them, but it was unavoidable even after I knew what they were, there were so many.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

breakfasty things

My latest pet peeve is the toasters on this campus that do not toast all areas of the item evenly. One side is burnt while the other is still cold, or only one edge is warm.

Blueberry bagels are my downfall. I was planning on eating a banana for breakfast today but then there were blueberry bagels and I was like NOMNOMNOM!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This is the view coming out of Cobeen, which was my dorm last year.
It was really foggy today.
I can't keep my hands moisturized.
My cuticles are all cracked and bleeding and painful.
Then the lotion stings when I finally get around to putting it on.
What was I doing yesterday that kept me from posting this on time?
Hmmm... nothing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I feel empty.

I need to be home.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

long day

Hmm, the pictures are going from bad to worse. Well, this is SUPPOSED to be a men's soccer game, which is how I spent approximately 20 minutes of my evening. The student organization
that had the most people go to the soccer games by the end of the season is going to win some monies from Student Government. The Athletic Training Student Association is pretty much kicking ass, since we automatically have four AT students at every game, and then we tend to show up in a pack anyway to scream "GO so-and-so!! YOU TAPE THOSE ANKLES!! YOU FILL THAT WATER LIKE A PRO!!!" instead of rooting for the players. This is cool though, cause extra money means we can order a wider variety of MUAT sweatshirts and this REALLY nice 3/4 length hooded jackets that look extremely warm.

I very much feel I need to be home right now, and I am not. This breaks my heart even more than why I feel I should be home.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Marquette Madness!

Marquette Madness is essentially a pep rally on steroids to mark the beginning of Basketball Season. It's kind of like our version of homecoming, as we don't have a football team to get excited about.

Sorry about the bad quality of this picture. It's taped up on my wall, the lighting in our rooms is pretty bad, and I haven't yet figured out the photoshopping ability of iphoto (or iphoto at all for that matter).

Anyway. The tallest person on the team this year is Youssoupha Mbao, who is a freshmen from Dakar, Senegal. He is SEVEN FEET TWO INCHES tall. I thought Drew was tall till I saw Youss, then I just though "That is a whole lot of person there." The shortest person on our team is Maurice Acker, a senior from Illinois. He is only five foot eight. It is beyond fantastic when the two of them stand next to each other.

There are four guys from Texas on the team this year, one from Toronto, and one who is originally from Venezuela (but technically came from New Jersey). It's good to see that some people are actually from somewhere outside the Midwest.

Yesterday I realized that my bad mood as of lately is due to the fact I have only run once in the past two weeks. I'll have time to go this Sunday, which will be really nice. I'm thinking a nice 6 mile cruise.

But tonight made me realize something too. I became aware of how fully I depend on sports in my life. Over the past month and a half, I've only been to one soccer game. ONE! I'm going to be an Athletic Trainer, I need to be around athletes doing their thing to be happy! After watching the volleyball team crush Georgetown, and the men's and women's basketball teams be introduced and scrimmage, I am in a notably better mood than I was this afternoon. As they were walking onto the court I just got so pumped up and excited and emotional about this who college thing. I don't really know how to explain it; knowing that people see Marquette Basketball and know it's a big deal, and that they are impressed to find out I go to Marquette University.

For the first time since I got here, I am undeniably PROUD to say:

We are Marquette.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


My very favorite spot on campus is the Memorial Library, which is the old part with all the books, not the new part with the computers and printers and info desk. Today was the first time all semester I went into the book stacks, rather than the lobby to just print something. There is just something about the pressing quiet that I love, like I could sit in there ALL DAY LONG, forget about everything, and just read. I think I need to just pack up my desk and hang out there more often.

I especially like the Children's Section on the 3rd floor. It reminds me of my own childhood, for my parents were very enthusiastic about getting my brother and I all the books we wanted and reading to us every night. I got in trouble a lot for reading when I was supposed to be sleeping, but I don't think my parents really minded all that much.
Then I saw this just sitting there, which was kind of funny, because my roommate and I were talking yesterday about all the books we read as kids, and I mentioned this one.

It kind of makes me want a kid, so I can read to her.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Writing a love letter.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

more leaves

The trees around here turn a very intense, bright, beautiful shade of red in the fall.

It's really cool to see them bisecting the entire length of campus down Wisconsin Ave.
I mean, I'd rather the street not be there, but at least it looks nice in the Fall.

Dear Self:
I did not go to Oregon State because I got in to the Physical Therapy program at Marquette. I am interested in Physical Therapy, and Marquette has one of the best programs in the country. Oregon State does NOT have a Physical Therapy program at all. Therefore, I am not regretting the fact that I did not go to Oregon State.
I did not go to Oregon State because they do not have a PT program.
I did not go to Oregon State because they do not have a PT program.
I did not go to Oregon State because they do not have a PT program.
I did not go to Oregon State because they do not have a PT program.
Maybe if I tell myself this enough, I will get over the fact that I am bummed out I didn't end up in Oregon... because they DO NOT have a PT program!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hey Jude...

Almost the exact middle of campus. You can see a bit of the library in the left corner, and the top of St. Joan of Arc Chapel in the right corner.
Interesting fact about the Chapel: It was brought over, brick by brick, from France and ended up the in the ownership of a Protestant family. They had no use for a catholic church, so they gave it to Marquette. It is the oldest building in the Western Hemisphere that is still used for it's original purpose.

And this tree is is pretty.

Oh yeah, and the dental students set the Health Sciences building on fire today. It wasn't a big fire, and only in one spot in one room in the basement, so my stuff on the second floor was safe. Unfortunately, MY STUFF ON THE SECOND FLOOR, which included my keys, ID, and phone, was stuck there. But so was everyone else's so my class (all 13 of us) went to the Union and talked to Mike (who's the VP of the Athletic Training Student Association) about the clothing sale we're having this week. Whatever I get is going to be the majority of my Christmas present this year, so I got myself a couple of nice Marquette University ATHLETIC TRAINING shirts and a windbreaker, which will be very handy.

I've started watching The Office. Micheal and Dwight really irritate me, but I like everyone else. And Jim and Pam are kind of adorable. Way to be Netflix for having all the seasons avaliable to steam instantly.

AND!! My mom is putting a package together to send me sometime this week!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The radiator next to my desk is my savior.
I can curl up in a blanket while I do my homework and my legs stay nice and warm
Plus, if I leave it on all night, the linoleum is warm in the morning and I don't have to fuss with socks.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm not really tired.
But I kind of wish I wasn't going to the XC Meet.
I'd rather still be in bed.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I really like the lamp posts they have over by the Nursing building, they are cute and make me feel fancy.
Tomorrow I'm getting up at 8am to go to a cross country meet. I would rather be sleeping in, but I will be getting paid for the 6+ hour day (woohoo!). Plus I REALLY LIKE running, and seeing collegiate level runners will be cool .
Then I will sleep in till 2 or 3 on Sunday.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


My campus is an urban, concrete jungle, full of busy streets, trash, and drugged-up junkie hobos.

But this next week is dedicated to making you think otherwise.

So look forward to pictures of the changing leaves, even though they are not as bright as they are at home.

I still love Autumn, even if it's ugly and cold here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

sleepy time yet?

It's getting to be a cold and blustry around here, and beyond that it's been "raining" for the past couple of days. It's just enough that it's too cold to run in shorts and a Tshirt, but wearing my Underarmor Cold Gear would be much too warm for a 4 mile run. So I've confined myself to the gym in hopes I can literally elliptical and bike my ass off.
I miss running though. I know last summer I said I was done with these shinanigans after the Provo Half Marathon, but I'm back into the mindset that I would like to run it again. Not only run it again, but beat my time of 2:16:01 and try to get it down under 2:10:00. I'd only have to run each mile 35 seconds faster, which shouldn't be too hard if I actually train right this time and take care of my shins, ankles, and plantar fascia. Here's to hoping I don't have to be back to Marquette before August 7th.

Another guilty pleasure of mine is Rice Crispy Treats. Actually, it's more of an irresistable vice. But they have to be homemade, none of that packaged crap for me.

I should have done more homework over the weekend.

Monday, October 5, 2009

second thoughts

It's only 4:30pm on Monday and I can already tell that this week is going to be one of those weeks. The kind where my predominant thought is "WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE!?"
Lately every time I walk into the training room I think about how I don't seem to belong and would be in almost any other major. Luckily, I know the reasoning behind this: I do not want to work in a college setting. I want to work Physical Therapy in a Children's Hospital, and then work Athletic Training in a High School. Unfortunately, the only training room exposure I have right now is at Marquette, and it's just not what I want to do.
Oh hey, I just thought about how I get to work in a high school for my clinical senior year and now I feel good and I'm all EXCITED. Good, I feel better.

Frozen gummies are my guilty pleasure. Whether it be bears, worms, peach-O's, or fruit snacks I hide them in the freezer until they get all hard and chewy. Just for the record, SpongeBob is not as good as Princess flavor

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I've been too busy being offended and frustrated this weekend to take real pictures. Sorry about that.
Last night I had a dream I was a vampire, and the monster from the feast room in the movie Pan's Labyrinth was after me. Except in my dream it was meaner, faster, and much scarier.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I am frustrated with my living situation in more ways than one.

Friday, October 2, 2009


My hair is getting all sorts of long! I can't wait until it's long enough for me to completely cut off the bottom where I bleached it and dyed it (and dyed it again) last year, it's so dried out and gross. I am going to have to wait to do that for awhile though, for I am greatly enjoying the fact that I can get all of my hair into a pony tail with the assistance of only 2 bobby pins, not 12. It hasn't been this long since I was a sophomore in high school! I'm starting to really like it long, too bad it takes forever to grow.
Also, if I pull the bottom 90% back into a pony tail and leave the top layer out to straighten it, I look like Posh Spice, NOT Hermione Granger. So HA!

I wish I wasn't such a jealous person.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


It's October, which means it is appropriate to put up the Halloween Decorations my mom sent me!
The Christmas Decorations in the Mall are inappropriate however, as they have been up for a month already, and there is still 3 months until Christmas. Please give the other holidays a fighting chance.