Sunday, August 7, 2011

Senior Year

School hasn't started yet, but I'm back in Milwaukee so I might as well start posting again. I can already tell this year will be better than last, because my apartment wasn't 100 million degrees when I walked into it yesterday. The CENTRAL AIR (!!!) is set at about 75* or so, but more importantly it keeps the humidity down.
Neither Nichole or Marie were here last night so I've had the place to myself all weekend setting up and getting organized and trying to figure out how to keep their cats out of my room. Not that I don't like the cats, cause I do, I just don't need them being all "Look at me, I'm a cat. I'm in the goddamn way," while I'm moving a dresser across the floor.

So here's my room:

I think my room here is actually about the size of my bedroom at home. (The one upstairs that has as of last Tuesday - 3 man weave on the bedrooms to put my grandma in the Master on the main floor so she did not fall down the stairs.) I'm still missing my folding table/desk but I am pretty sure that is at David's house still. The wire rack I was using as a pantry last year is in my room and, now that I've been to the grocery store, is being used as a pantry again. Still in my bedroom. It was much easier to set up this way than try and claim space in the kitchen which is fairly small given the size of the apartment and just cannot hold 3 sets of everything.

This is the PhoebeCat, she has an elusive brother Jack (or BoyCat as I call him). Currently, they are not allowed to roam my room and are only tolerated being in here while I am updating my blog and don't want to move my laptop off my lap to throw them out. I think they both clearly understand I don't want them in here, because they both like to sit in my doorway and wait until I'm not paying attention, then sneak in to crawl under my bed. Under no circumstances are the cats allowed under my bed. I do not want cat hair all over my things. Simple, really.

In other news, I woke up from a nap this afternoon, looked out the window and thought "Where the fuck am I?" I had been having a dream that Drew and I ( and my sister for some reason) were back up in Montana playing in the ponds.

I am very home sick.

Luckily, Marie is here and she has people over so I will be going out to sit with them instead of curling up in the fetal with my Drew's-cologne-sprayed-Teddy-Bear instead of pouting that I am not at Bear Lake with him.

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