Monday, August 8, 2011

How fucking great is that?!

Also, my desk finally showed up, which is superb. I also got a little basket thing that sticks in the corner of the shower for my things.
While wandering around Barns and Noble I made a new friend. I was looking at a book with dog pictures in it, and this lady walked up; I turned around because I thought she was David and I was going to show him a picture that looked like his dog. But we just started talking, this lady and me (I cannot remember her name) about if I was an animal person, and if I had dogs, and what kinds I wanted, and what she wanted (a pit, a boxer, and a.... something else of that nature). We ended up standing there talking for like half an hour about dogs and Marquette (she was an alumn) and Milwaukee and where we wanted to move too to live. It was crazy, but nice at the same time.

I'm starting to realize that my room is going to be the only clean room in this house. Either Nichole or Marie needs to buy an odor eater and put it by the litter box in the bathroom; it overpoweringly smells like ammonia even when it's clean.

Oh, and football preseason. They are doing 2-a-days right now, one from 7:30-10:00am and one from 11:30-2:00pm. Which means we are there from 6:30am-3:00pm. Which means I get up at 5:30am. Which for me, who didn't get up before 10am all summer and is used to working from 1 to 7pm, was a rude awakening this morning. It's not even 10 and I'm ready for bed.
However, it's going to get me 40+ hours a week for the next four weeks, which will put me way ahead of schedule on hours when classes start. It'll be nice not having to stress about getting them all done.
Practice itself is a bit boring, but there's always something to do, and it's really nice having Nichole there to talk to the whole time. Having said that though, I'm glad I'm going to PT school. From what I have experiences of both, I enjoy rehab more than the acute injury evals - though I still enjoy that part of it too.
Eating lunch at 11:00am is going to be a bitch though. I'm hungry again by the time 3 rolls around.

Now if I could just find my thumb tacks... I really want to hang up my posters but I have no clue what I did with them last May!

1 comment:

  1. Have them purchase the Cat Mouse from or some other pet website. It's about $30 and it helps SO much. It's this device you plug in by the litter box and it helps stop the odor. We had it and it helped SO well. I got rid of it otherwise I would send it to you...good luck with that!
