Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today was a gorgeous day in Milwaukee. When I got up this morning (still feels obnoxiously early - will that ever change?) it was cold enough that all the humidity had condensed into dew on the grass, and it would have been perfect weather for jeans and a light sweater. By the time Nichole and I got to Homestead High, it had warmed up just to the point that I was comfortable in my t-shirt and shorts with OR without the light jacket I had.
So far it has not been uncomfortably hot at practice, and sunny enough that I believe that I am tanning very slowly (and will get a wicked farmer's tan by the end of the season) with no risk of burning. Every now and then a big, fluffy, white cloud will float across the sun and you can see the shadow move across the practice fields. I do need to invest in some sunglasses though. I believe mine are somewhere in Shellie's NEW YORK purse that she brought to the pool in Vegas for us to put things in.

Marie and I even turned the air off this afternoon and have just had all the windows open all day. It's currently 8:21pm and I could change out of shorts into long pants and still be comfortable, which I predict will make perfect sleeping conditions in an hour or so. Speaking of sleeping. Despite the fact that I get up at 5:25am everyday and do not take a nap, I cannot for the life of me fall asleep when I get into bed around 10pm. I know I'm probably still used to staying up till 3 in the morning, but you'd think after four days of this I'd be so exhausted I couldn't keep my eyes open. Around 9 or so every night I've been getting a second wind or something, and gone back into AWAKE! mode.

Marie and I (mostly Marie - I cleaned the shower though. It's a good thing I really don't mind cleaning the bathroom, cause I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the only one doing it. Which I will be doing every week so I don't have to scrub it down like that again) cleaned the kitchen today, so now I can take pictures and show them to you and you'll think our kitchen is nice.
Oh yeah, and that IS the BACK DOOR that you see, which goes out onto a PORCH!

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