Friday, July 22, 2011

A Post!

It feels like a certain male, famous, well liked, black celebrity just got down at eye level with me and yelled, "Bitch, SHIT. JUST. GOT. REAL." Not in a mean way or anything. Just in a... declarative, factual way.
Maybe Chris Rock?


Has anyone seen that skit of his where he is making fun of the song Get Low? Does anyone understand why I find that song so funny now?

I feel like this summer is The Summer I Grew Up. Not any specific event, or day, but I feel as if I am no longer the same kid I was in May.
In just two weeks I go back to Milwaukee and start GRADUATE SCHOOL. To become A DOCTOR. I've realized that after these two weeks, I don't really live in my parents house anymore. I will have my room for Christmas and Thanksgiving and such, but other than those short school breaks, I will be in Milwaukee. Of course I cannot tell the future, and circumstances may have me back here for another summer in two years while I do a clinical internship, and it is possible that Drew and I will live here between the time I graduate and start a residency.
I saw the last Harry Potter, which seems like a weird reason. But I very much grew up with Harry Potter; I was 11 when the first movie was in theaters, and I was 17 when I read the last book. It was a huge part of my childhood, and now it's finished. I cried during the movie. Not at the sad parts, not when Fred died, but just randomly, cause it was the last one.
I'm 21. That really is functioning adult status in my book.

I want to get "There is no try." tattooed on the underside of my left forearm. It's been my philosophy ever since my mom quoted Yoda on my whiteboard during track season my senior year of high school.

I have no criminal record in the states of Utah and Wisconsin. I could have told you that, but Marquette needs it official before I can start my clinicals.
Which I start signing up for this October. How am I supposed to do that? I have no idea where I want to go. I suppose the actual clinic/hospital doesn't matter. I just have to pick an area of the country I want to spend a handful of weeks in.
I do know I want to go to Athlete's Performance in Phoenix from January to March of my last year. The weather will be perfect and so fuck Wisconsin winter.

Today was my last day at Hand and Ortho, it was kinda sad. I really enjoy my job. Hopefully I can cover for some people when I'm home for Christmas.

I might have a job as a receptionist at a gym once school starts. Only a 3 hour shift on Tuesday and Friday mornings, but that's still $45-$60 a week more than I would be making without a job. Which means my grocery fund would remain neutral if not actually increase over the course of the semester. It would be nice if that worked out. Really, it would.

I'm running again. It's slow, and my endurance is laughable, but I'm running.
It's wonderful.

I want a puppy.

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