Wednesday, August 25, 2010

As per a suggestion from Rachel, I made myself Stir-Fry tonight for dinner. It was vegetarian though; chicken still intimidates me slightly (plus it's all frozen solid and I'm not really sure how to make it not so) and I didn't think ground hamburger would go well.

I have a George Foreman grill though. I think I'll experiment with chicken breast on that tomorrow. Maybe make some green beans with it.

I also started working at the bookstore again today. Students come in, give me their ID, and I go find a box full of books with their name on it. It kind of scares me how much I enjoy mechanical, repetitive tasks. From about noon to 5pm there was a constant line out the door, and I was quite content to find the box, check the contents, notify about back orders, give instructions on returns, repeat. It was mindless, I felt like a book drone, and I liked it.
I think it's the OCD in me though. I've always likes counting things, organizing things. I've said before that the perfect job for me would be if people lined up in front of me with their containers of spare change, dumped them on the floor, and said "Count that." I'd put all the coins in the rolls, and make sure the rolls got stacked up in little pyramids. It's methodical and calming.

I live across the street from a bunch of boys that live on the bottom floor of a cute little duplex. They have a backyard, which I'm jealous about. From my room on the third floor I have a great view of their front porch.
It looks like they are setting up for a wild, drunken party tonight. If I was brave and not so painfully socially awkward, I would go over there and try to act like I belonged somewhere in this city.

I never thought about it till Droo mentioned it the other night, but for as long as I can remember I've been looking forward to some future event. Whenever I reach that event, I don't celebrate it, I just look forward again. I always see what I'm doing as a means to an end.
So I have to try really hard this year to enjoy myself now, in the present. I really have to try to see being away at college something I am doing for myself, and take the time to enjoy myself and have fun here. Not just see this as something I have to deal with and get through for 4 more years until I can get to the next step of where I want to be.

I just realized I can make myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow, AND I have salsa to put on it. :D I am now very excited for lunch tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. A: Salsa on grilled cheese? I'm intrigued.

    B: Live in the moment. Life is way too short and goes way too fast to always be looking ahead. Enjoy what you are doing NOW. Droo is smart. :)

    C: Take small risks. Even if it it just yelling across to said drunken partiers and saying hi. Sometimes life long friends are made that way.

    D: To unthaw chicken breasts you can do several things: microwave on the defrost setting. Check every couple of minutes so that they don't start cooking. Take out the night before and unthaw in the fridge. If incredibly rushed, soak them in hot water, but keep changing the water every 2 minutes or so and only do this until slightly unthawed on the outside. You can cook them while still frozen inside, just use lower heat for a longer amount of time.

    E: Have a good weekend. :)
