Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday was busy and picturless.

Today you see the Comfy Library Chairs.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

So what do you see?

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Any guess?
Here, let me show you.

I am a proud Utahan.
Therefore, I will have Jell-O in my pantry at all times.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Better than Christmas?

My momma sent me a package! As you can see, it is full of very useful things, like spices and honey and a cookbook. My mom was very adamant that I would be making cookies all the time while I was here though. I don't know why. I don't want to be tempted by having a bunch of cookies sitting around my apartment all the time. She sent me cookie mix anyway. But I'm kind of excited to make them.

I've started watching Dexter, except I have to go to the library or the Student Union to do so, because the Marquette Wi-fi is so much faster than the internet in my building. I don't mind this though, the library has The Most Comfortable Chairs Known To Man in it.

I do mind, however, that my pilot light for the left burners on my stove keeps going out. I know it's because the window in the kitchen is kept open, and a breeze occasionally comes in. I know how to fix this problem when it occurs. It's just a slight irritation.

I just finished The Girl Who Played With Fire, which is the sequal to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Both were very good books, and I highly recommend them. I'll have to see if the bookstore has the last book in the trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest when I go into work today. If not, I'm not sure what I'll do until I can find time to walk down to Boarders. Probably go crazy worrying about these fictional characters I've come to care about.
I know good books are supposed to draw the reader into the story, but sometimes I worry I get drawn in too far.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Batteries. I has them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


No picture today, my camera batteries are dead. This is something I will deal with... eventuallyish.

I've also decided the best part about living alone is that clothes are optional. I also don't have any mirrors in my room except the one in my bathroom, so I get to pretend I look like whatever I want naked. Most of the time I give my imaginary self awesome tattoos and piercings.

Also, I like peanut butter.
A lot.
Like, really really really a lot.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

As per a suggestion from Rachel, I made myself Stir-Fry tonight for dinner. It was vegetarian though; chicken still intimidates me slightly (plus it's all frozen solid and I'm not really sure how to make it not so) and I didn't think ground hamburger would go well.

I have a George Foreman grill though. I think I'll experiment with chicken breast on that tomorrow. Maybe make some green beans with it.

I also started working at the bookstore again today. Students come in, give me their ID, and I go find a box full of books with their name on it. It kind of scares me how much I enjoy mechanical, repetitive tasks. From about noon to 5pm there was a constant line out the door, and I was quite content to find the box, check the contents, notify about back orders, give instructions on returns, repeat. It was mindless, I felt like a book drone, and I liked it.
I think it's the OCD in me though. I've always likes counting things, organizing things. I've said before that the perfect job for me would be if people lined up in front of me with their containers of spare change, dumped them on the floor, and said "Count that." I'd put all the coins in the rolls, and make sure the rolls got stacked up in little pyramids. It's methodical and calming.

I live across the street from a bunch of boys that live on the bottom floor of a cute little duplex. They have a backyard, which I'm jealous about. From my room on the third floor I have a great view of their front porch.
It looks like they are setting up for a wild, drunken party tonight. If I was brave and not so painfully socially awkward, I would go over there and try to act like I belonged somewhere in this city.

I never thought about it till Droo mentioned it the other night, but for as long as I can remember I've been looking forward to some future event. Whenever I reach that event, I don't celebrate it, I just look forward again. I always see what I'm doing as a means to an end.
So I have to try really hard this year to enjoy myself now, in the present. I really have to try to see being away at college something I am doing for myself, and take the time to enjoy myself and have fun here. Not just see this as something I have to deal with and get through for 4 more years until I can get to the next step of where I want to be.

I just realized I can make myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow, AND I have salsa to put on it. :D I am now very excited for lunch tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

real food

Last night I made Hambuger Helper. Not only did it taste good, but I am still alive to type this, which means I did not give myself food poisoning either.

My plan is always to stay busy while I'm in Milwaukee. The last week I've been going right when I get up in the morning (around 8am) and not stopping until I get home at night (around 11pm). Working with the soccer boys is very good at keeping me distracted; they are a needy bunch.
If I'm busy, I'm distracted.
If I'm distracted, I'm not thinking about anything but NOW.
If I'm not thinking of anything but NOW, I'm not thinking about anything else.
If I'm not thinking of anything else, I'm not thinking of home.
If I'm not thinking of home, I'm not thinking of Droo.
If I'm not thinking of Droo, I don't process that it's been a week since I have seen him.
If I don't process not seeing him, I don't think about miss him as much.
If I don't think about missing him, it doesn't hurt.

Monday, August 23, 2010

New year


Disaster Area

It was so freaking hot.

This is my favorite thing in my house. Yep. A wire kitchen rack I'm using as a pantry.

But after three days my dad and I finally made my apartment.

Despite being so hot I think I'm going to melt for most of the day, I'm really enjoying having my own apartment. It still seems empty though, which I think is due to a lack of TV and an abundance of white space on the walls. I get to go crazy at the poster sale this year, which should help brighten the place up. I'd like to start coloring my marker posters again, I just need to find time to do it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

One week

It's not that I don't want to go back to school.
I like my classes, my classmates, my professors, my teams, and I love my major. I am SO EXCITED to be working with the men's soccer team next year. Lauren Boyler is going to teach us so much! Not only about how to treat an injury, but how to really be passionate about Athletic Training and how to become the person your athletes turn to first about medical advice (and regular advice).
I think (and hope!!) that working at Hand and Ortho this summer has helped me come out of my shell a bit. Next semester I'm going to really work on not being shy. It's pretty impossible to be quiet with men's soccer though, so that should help too.

It's not that I don't want to go to Milwaukee.
I mean, it's not my favorite place, but it's slowly becoming tolerable. I've accepted it is something I shouldn't waste my time worrying or stressing about. Marquette is in Milwaukee, and therefore I have to be there, like it or not. So I might as well try to enjoy what I can of it.
I'm very much looking forward to having my own place, decorating (or not decorating it) how I want, and not having a roommate. I'm looking forward to The Adventure Of Cooking, and putting up pictures of what delicious things I come up with (and any disasters).

I just don't want to leave.