Saturday, May 8, 2010

ctrl+C is my savior

So I may have, sort of, kind of, maybe, perhaps started to PACK UP MY THINGS!! I know I should try to hold out as long as I can, because last year I started getting organized about three weeks before school ended and that was not a good move. Granted, I made it a lot longer than I did last year, mostly cause I have so much more to do and keep me busy this year, but I'm still weary that packing up my sweaters today will make the next five days drrraaaaggggg oooooouuuuuttttt instead of flying by like the last week did.
At the same time, I have almost no free time next week. I originally scheduled myself 30 minute breaks every 2 hours of studying, and I scheduled myself to study from 6am when I wake up until 9pm when I go to bed. That plan was, of course (did Spring Break planning teach me nothing?) screwed up when I found out that I would be working an 8hour day on Tuesday before my 5:45pm final. The SIX HOURS I had planned on studying that day would have to be rearranged somewhere else so I can sit in the Union and buy back people's books for way way less than they bought them for. sentences get way too long when I actually have something to say...

Anyway. I get the feeling I'm going to have very little free time next week while I'm taking finals, studying for finals, working at the book store, and trying to get ready to go home.
Would it be smart to start packing things I know I wont need next week? Like my printer that is out of ink? And my winter coat? (Too bad the weather went from 70* last week to "possible snow storms" this week, and I have no idea if I'll need to have access to my sweaters).

The original plan was to pack on Tuesday at 2pm, but now I will be working at that time. I can always just pack AFTER my final, but I really need that time to study for my Strength and Conditioning final and Therapeutic Modalities final on Wednesday. I mean, not that pulling sweatshirts off hangers and out of drawers to stuff them in a garbage bag is really all that time consuming.
I just don't want to make Mara wait on Tuesday. Her parents are letting me put my things in their storage unit over the summer (so nice of them!!) and Mara has a car, so we're taking my stuff over after my Modalities final ends at 3pm. She's even more scheduled than I am, cause she is an RA, so she has to deal with checking people out of their rooms as well as deal with all her finals. She's in almost all of the same classes as me, so I know she's just as worried about studying as I am. It's such a huge favor her family is doing for me, so I want it to all be on her time and schedule.

I'm not writing any of this because I think you are actually interested. I just need to write down lists and schedules and alternated schedules and have a Plan A-F for my own benefit. I did this to Drew in my last letter too. Wrote him THREE PAGES (front and back) last teusday outlining the last week and a half I'd be at school. When I got done I was like "... hmm... he probably doesn't care that I'm planning on studying Medical Terms from 5-6 and from 8-9:30 on Monday night as long as I don't miss my flight."
Which I wont. Miss my flight I mean.
My last final gets over at 9:00am. My flight leaves at 11:48am. I told my RA that if she's not there to check me out exactly at 9:10am (which is the time I signed up for) I will put my keys on my dresser and I AM GONE at 9:35am when Airport Connection gets here, whether or not I've been cleared out of the room or not. The lovely loop-hole that keeps me out of trouble if I just leave is I SIGNED UP FOR NINE-TEN. So if there's not an RA in my room at that time, they get in trouble, not me. If they try and fine me for it or something, I'll just be like "Look, I told her at least three times that I had to leave and that if she wasn't going to be there, to make sure someone else would." Luckily though, one of my Exercise Science Family members, Jared, is an RA on the 7th floor, and I can just call him.


I got offered an official position at Hand and Ortho Physical Therapy. I'll be working from 9-2 on Mondays and Fridays. Ten hours a week isn't nearly what I was hoping for, but it will make trading shifts so I can go on vacation to Darby and Bear Lake (and hopefully Disneyland- fingers crossed) much easier. Plus, a lot of the regular full time Aides go on vacation in the summer, so I'll be able to pick up extra hours. I hope the fact I already know how to use E-Stim and Ultra Sound (not the imaging kind... the Deep Tissue Heating kind) will make them like me so much they ask me to come back and work while I'm home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, and again next summer. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully.

I should stop tying and go study now.

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