Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This is a very empty closet.

Not to imply that everything from my closet has gone into storage. Just all of my HANGERS have gone into storage. All of my pants are now in the bottom of my dresser, where my sweatshirts used to be.

I was right about this week. It is crawling.
But at the same time, I only have a day and a half left.
I think it's because everything I've done for the past two days has been meticulously (damn, spelled that right on the first try!) ordered: Get up, go to work, take a test, run back to my room, start laundry, pack blankets, switch laundry to dryer, dinner, waitwaitwait for sheets and towels to be dry so I can put them in storage, call Mara, finish trying up bags and taping boxes, meet Mara and pack her car, hug Mara for five minutes because her family is storing my stuff over the summer, SIGH and relax for ten minutes, start studying again.

My two hardest finals are tomorrow, one right after each other, so I have no time to study for Therapeutic Modalities after Strength and Conditioning. Of course I need to do well on these tests, but I'm getting to the point where I just don't care anymore.
Which is bad, cause I still have three finals left.

Also, my camera batteries are dying. Come on camera! Just one more day!

Also, as my blankets are gone, I'm kinda worried about being really fucking cold tonight.

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