Monday, November 16, 2009

I've been doing so bad at posting every day this month. It's cause I'm... busy...

But!! Drumroll please....

I found where I want to live next year!!

It's a place called Maryland Court and still technically within campus limits. At $475 a month it's $40 bucks more than the university housing we originally wanted. HOWEVER, university housing at $435 is for one bedroom, Maryland Court at $475 is for two bedrooms. Would I rather have my own bedroom, not have to check my guests in a the front desk, be able to have my boyfriend sleep over if he ever comes to visit, have a bigger apartment, but have to by furniture rather than live across the street from the student union. You fucking bet I would.
Lets hope my roommate's parents can stop treating her like she is 5 and still needs to hold their hand when she crosses the street, and start treating her like the 20 year old adult (she will be next year). Her mom is so so SO against her living off campus it's ridiculous. We will not die, only students (and mostly undergrad) live in that apartment complex anyway.

Oh, and last weekend was full of way too much basketball. Like 25 hours of it in 3 days. Blegh. I have nothing against basketball of course, but standing around at practice and filling water bottles gets real old, real fast.

ANNNNDDDD!!!! School gave me the H1N1 shot for free cause I'm in the Athletic Training major and work with the varsity athletes.

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