Monday, November 30, 2009


I need to drink more of it.

# of Jeep Grand Cherokees I saw today: 5
# of Jeep Grand Cherokees that were not Frodrik: 5 :(

But I'm home in less than 3 weeks!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I decided to take a walk down to the Public Market today. Even though it looks stormy outside, it wasn't hardly raining. The ground was just wet so now my pants are wet.

My reasoning for going to the Public Market today between classes shall remain a mystery until I get home. But for not much longer because of the type of items I bought.

This is the river, it empties into Lake Michigan. It's always kind of an ugly color, which explains why we don't actually get in the lake.

Getting to the Market and back took about an hour. It's only about 2.25 miles round trip. I realized I enjoy running, because walking places takes so goddamn long.

Also, I will be leaving for the airport in 12.5 hours. Go 5:40am flight out of here!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Don't get me wrong. I am all for the advancement of science and engineering. If my life could be IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE! at all times, I would happily live that way. I am glad the College of Engineering is getting a new building. I am. Really.
But did the school really have to tear down THREE of it's student apartments to make room for the new building? I believe this has everything to do with why I was unable to get into campus housing for next year and am still on the waiting list. There were so many other places where they could have put a new building without destroying a place I could have lived.
Bad move Marquette. Bad move.

Also, I keep thinking about the Death Cab for Cutie Song that goes "And I can't see, why, you'd want to live, here."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today I woke up, went for a six mile run, at breakfast, and then sat around DOING NOTHING ALL DAY!!! It was great! Except I had a stomach ache all day, so I've been munching on oyster crackers. They seem to help.

I will be home in 3 days. I am excited!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

While Women's Basketball is widely known as the worst sport to have for your rotation, I do have 24/7 access to the Bradly Center. All I have to do is swipe my ID card and I get into places like this.

I've always wanted to be Authorized Personnel.

Also, I need more friends here. :(

Friday, November 20, 2009

I don't know why my hands get so dry here, but they do. Aveeno is pretty much my savior.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Oh you coffee cup.
Sitting on my desk like that.
I wish you were full.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mood = Irritated

It's raining.
Which means my backpack and everything in it got wet walking to class.
And my socks are wet.
Because my left rainboot has a mystery hole in it somewhere.
I hate wet socks more than just about anything.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I love going to Marquette basketball games. I do, really.
But I'm getting tired of not being able to be a fan, and having to be well-behaved "staff."
But I do enjoy sitting on the floor right next to the bench. It's a much better seat than what I usually get.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I've been doing so bad at posting every day this month. It's cause I'm... busy...

But!! Drumroll please....

I found where I want to live next year!!

It's a place called Maryland Court and still technically within campus limits. At $475 a month it's $40 bucks more than the university housing we originally wanted. HOWEVER, university housing at $435 is for one bedroom, Maryland Court at $475 is for two bedrooms. Would I rather have my own bedroom, not have to check my guests in a the front desk, be able to have my boyfriend sleep over if he ever comes to visit, have a bigger apartment, but have to by furniture rather than live across the street from the student union. You fucking bet I would.
Lets hope my roommate's parents can stop treating her like she is 5 and still needs to hold their hand when she crosses the street, and start treating her like the 20 year old adult (she will be next year). Her mom is so so SO against her living off campus it's ridiculous. We will not die, only students (and mostly undergrad) live in that apartment complex anyway.

Oh, and last weekend was full of way too much basketball. Like 25 hours of it in 3 days. Blegh. I have nothing against basketball of course, but standing around at practice and filling water bottles gets real old, real fast.

ANNNNDDDD!!!! School gave me the H1N1 shot for free cause I'm in the Athletic Training major and work with the varsity athletes.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Like the view? I don't.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I almost forgot about posting today!
Anyway, this is St. Joan of Arc Chapel. It's the oldest building in the Western Hemisphere that is still used for its original purpose. Apparently, the French family who owned it moved to America and brought it with them, brick by brick. It got passed down the family, but eventually it got to the part of the family that was no longer Catholic, but Protestant. So they were living in Milwaukee and told Marquette they could have it. Or maybe they told Marquette the school could have it and THEN had it shipped over from France. I'm not sure. Either way, it was built in the 1500s in France but is now the Chapel in the middle of campus behind the library.
I feel like I've talked about this before.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

EKG and Blood Pressure Cuffs

We got to do them in class.
Got all hooked up to electrodes and listened to your heartbeat.
It was cool!

Also, my pulse was 67bpm and my blood pressure was 102/62. Which is nice and low.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This is probably my favorite picture of us, even though Drew looks silly with red hair.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I painted a plate. It was not supposed to turn out like this at all. The brown was supposed to be lighter and the blue was supposed to fade into red better.

I did not get into university housing for next year like I was hoping to. The place we are looking at now is about $100 more a month than Campus Town, but they are much MUCH nicer, I will have my own bedroom , it's within campus shuttle limits (actually only 3 blocks from where I am now), and it's still less than half of what I am paying to live in the dorms now.
But right now, I am technically homeless for next year. That kind of scares me.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blurry stairs that I walk up everyday.

I'm not really sure where you got the idea that's what I spend my day thinking about, but I'm not keeping any secrets from you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I forgot to post yesterday. I'm being a SLACKER this month.
Today the weather was GORGEOUS. Sunny and almost 70* with no wind! I've been basking in the glory of wearing shorts all day, even though it's only 5 o'clock and already dark.
The first men's basketball game was today. I had to be at the women's practice until two, so I wasn't able to go, which is very sad.
I also went swimming today. Swimming is hard.

I could go for some spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Remember this song?
I know you do.
It's got a great beat.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All the leaves are gone. I'm not really sure when that happened.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I can't help feel I've fallen off the wagon in every way, shape, and form. My body's getting squishy and my grades are slipping. I know I have self-control and discipline, I just have to remember how to apply them.
Begin shaping!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

rabbit rabbit

When I said you should be Jack and I could be Sally, I kind of meant TOGETHER.